HealthCare Business Management Solutions, LLC

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(470) 248-1276

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HealthCare Business Management Solutions, LLC is a management consulting firm that serves private health care providers in Atlanta. Our goal is to help start-ups and smaller health care businesses prosper. We pride ourselves on providing a complete turnkey service, and we'll be by your side from the beginning of a project to the very end. HCBMS has been serving Atlanta-based private physician practices for almost 15 years.

Improve your bottom line with insight from an experienced health care consultant. HCBMS provides consulting services to physicians with private practices in the Atlanta area. Health care delivery systems are constantly changing, and medical practices must be managed efficiently, just like any other business. We help you optimize the managerial, operational, and financial side of your business so that you can focus on what you do best-providing high-quality care for your patients.

Practice Management Consultant

Our founder, Tracey Childs-Blander, is an experienced practice management consultant who holds a Bachelor's degree in biology and a Master's degree in health administration from the University of South Carolina. Ms. Childs-Blander is also a Certified Professional Coder through the American Academy of Professional Coders. She has held various medical management positions in hospitals and private practices. Her area of specialization is operational and financial improvements in the private practice setting, and she has strong knowledge of billing and coding in cardiology, OB/GYN, internal medicine, family practice, and pediatrics. She has a strong interest in the establishment of new private physician practices.

Billing Team
Our billing team is comprised of certified professional coders and a certified chart  auditors with over 20 years combined billing experience.